You Only Need To Be Good At ONE THING To Become A Successful Authorpreneur

I stumbled onto this video on YouTube last night (true story) and it made me realize that you only need to 'be good' at ONE THING in order to find success with an online business doing something that you actually ENJOY.
The video has 1.3 million views in the past two weeks. Online YouTube revenue calculators estimate that this video has already earned between $2,000 and $5,000 (so far).
This video is about calling out FAKE welding videos on YouTube. Did you even know that people made FAKE welding videos? I had no idea. But, based on the views, there are massive amounts of people who are interested in this topic.
And this isn't even their most popular video! They have a DOZEN videos with more than a million views, including a video with 5 million and another with 4 million.
These videos will generate ad revenue for them FOREVER.
And their entire channel is about ONE SINGLE TOPIC: WELDING.
They have found a way to turn their SKILL (welding) into something that brings VALUE (entertainment and/or education) to other people.
And they are making BIG BUCKS along they way.
Don't you think that they wake up each morning and pinch themselves when they get those checks from YouTube?
Wouldn't you like to wake up like this every morning? Excited to get to "work" where you do something that you actually enjoy while also getting paid (handsomely) for your time and effort?
Of course you do! We all do!
There is no secret to any of this. You can see examples like this YouTube channel all over the internet. You just have to get out of your own way and build your own system around something that you are good at that can also be packaged up in a way that brings value to other people. That's it; it's really quite simple.
This is exactly what my new book, The Authorpreneur Blueprint, explains in detail. It's 458 pages and 43 videos (7-1/2 hours) of training that gives you the exact model that anyone can follow to turn JUST ONE SKILL into a full-time online business.
Now, how would you like to have a PAPERBACK copy of the book as well as TEN DAYS of LIVE Authorpreneur training with me?
To celebrate the launch of my new book and course, The Authorpreneur Blueprint, I'm hosting a TEN DAY Authorpreneur Challenge that includes DAILY LIVE training to help YOU get on the path to becoming a successful Authorpreneur!
It's called The Authorpreneur Challenge and it includes a paperback copy of my new $199 book and also comes with my new "KEEP THE BOOK" Guarantee!
The regular price for the challenge is $199, but when you join before April 3rd and use the EARLYBIRD links on this page, you can join for just $99!
You'll get the FULL 10 Day Authorpreneur Challenge (plus recordings/replays), a paperback copy of The Authorpreneur Blueprint ($199 value), TWO Udemy courses, and access to The Authorpreneur Facebook Group!
FULL CHALLENGE OFFER: use the links on THIS PAGE to lock in your $100 discount!) (expires midnight, April 3rd)
You read that right. Join The Authorpreneur Challenge for just $99, and you'll get a physical, paperback copy of my new book, The Authorpreneur Blueprint that sells for $199 on Amazon! It's like getting the book for 1/2 price and the ENTIRE AUTHORPRENEUR CHALLENGE for free!
The Authorpreneur Challenge starts in TWO WEEKS! Use THIS LINK (discount built-in) to save $100 and join for just $99! (Discount expires midnight, April 3rd)
The 'Keep The Book' Authorpreneur Guarantee:
So what exactly is the Authorpreneur KEEP THE BOOK Guarantee?
If you're not completely satisfied with The Authorpreneur Challenge, just ask and you'll get a 100% refund and you can KEEP THE $199 BOOK.
The Authorpreneur Challenge starts in TWO WEEKS! Use THIS LINK (discount built-in) to save $100 and join for just $99! (Discount expires midnight, April 3rd)
This special EARLY BIRD offer ENDS on April 3rd! After that, the price will GO UP to $199 so lock in your discount now!
Join The Authorpreneur Challenge BEFORE April 3rd and for just $99, you get:
1. The Authorpreneur Blueprint book ($199 on Amazon)
2. TEN DAYS of LIVE Authorpreneur training with Chris Green
3. The Authorpreneur Blueprint Udemy Course ($199)
4. The Ultimate Guide To Stencil Udemy Course ($49)
5. Access to the MEMBERS ONLY Authorpreneur Facebook Group
When you join The Authorpreneur Challenge, you'll get access to the TEN DAYS of LIVE training with me, Chris Green, where we will cover all of the fundamental secrets to becoming a successful Authorpreneur (all calls will be recorded and available as replays). At the end of each call, I will offer an open Q&A session to answer any and all questions!
You'll also receive a paperback copy of my new book, The Authorpreneur Blueprint! This is a $199 value (see for yourself:
There is truly NO RISK. Don't you think it's time to see what all the excitement is about and join The Authorpreneur Blueprint? Don't delay! Once the challenge starts, you can no longer join!
So, what even is an Authorpreneur?
The simplest definition would be an entrepreneur who uses the power of books, self-publishing, and becoming an author to provide VALUE to their customers, build a business, and MAKE MONEY.
This is all done with the power of Amazon's self-publishing platform, Kindle Direct Publishing, or KDP. KDP allows literally ANYONE to upload content files to Amazon that will then be offered Prime-eligible, print-on-demand books, listed for sale on Amazon. When a customer places an order, Amazon will print the book, ship the book, and then send you a royalty check at the end of every month.
Simple enough, right? Yes, anyone can use KDP to become a published author, but The Authorpreneur Challenge will show you how to become an author that actually makes money!
You see, simply being a published author and 'existing' on Amazon IS NOT ENOUGH! There are THOUSANDS of authors out there that have never sold a single book or make a single dollar.
The Authorpreneur Challenge starts in TWO WEEKS! Use THIS LINK (discount built-in) to save $100 and join for just $99! (Discount expires midnight, April 3rd)
*Paperback books can only be shipped to USA, Canada, UK, France, Spain, Germany, Italy, and Australia.