The Authorpreneur Challenge (REPLAY)

The Authorpreneur Challenge was 5 days of LIVE training all about becoming an Authorpreneur (using BOOKS to build a business). It covered everything from choosing a topic to launching and marketing books.
In my opinion, becoming an Authorpreneur and leveraging the power of self-publishing and KDP is the most powerful way, BY FAR, to use Amazon.
The 5-Day Authorpreneur Challenge is in the books! But you can still purchase access to the REPLAY PACKAGE for $99.

The next Authorpreneur Challenge starts on November 14, and it’s guaranteed to be the BIGGEST and BEST one yet!
It's also the LAST Authorpreneur Challenge for a LONG TIME.
To make sure that this challenge OVERDELIVERS in terms of VALUE, I'm adding SIX BONUSES worth OVER $1,300 and I'm revealing them one day at a time.
BONUS 1: $297 Value
BONUS 2: $249 Value
LIFETIME ACCESS to TWO of my bestselling Udemy Courses
BONUS 3: $99 Value
LIFETIME ACCESS to the eBook edition of The Authorpreneur Blueprint
BONUS 4: $199 Value
Paperback copy of The Authorpreneur Blueprint with the KEEP THE BOOK Guarantee
BONUS 5: $297 Value
BRING A FRIEND! Yes, you can invite a friend to take the challenge with you and they get their own copy of The Authorpreneur Blueprint! $197 value

BONUS 6: $299 value
Graduates of The Authorpreneur Challenge get to book a spot on my 'If I Were You' Podcast and get personalized, 1-on-1 business advice from me!
Honestly, it's time to LOCK IN your spot even BEFORE you see all of the amazing bonuses that I'm including.
Well, like all of my challenges, it's RISK FREE. If you aren't satisfied with the challenge, simply ask and you'll get a 100% REFUND with NO QUESTIONS ASKED.
So you might as well LOCK IN your ticket and see if The Authorpreneur Challenge is as good as everyone says it is.
By the end of The Authorpreneur Challenge, you’ll be a fully-fledged PUBLISHED AUTHOR with your very own product page on Amazon. And when that product sells, Amazon will do ALL OF THE WORK and send you a royalty check every month.
Maybe you’ve seen other people have massive success as Authorpreneurs, but you just haven’t found that sweet spot yet. Whether your goal is to make a small income on the side or to become a full-time Authorpreneur, The Authorpreneur Challenge will get on the RIGHT TRACK and MOVING FORWARD.
The Authorpreneur Challenge is FIVE DAYS of LIVE training for anyone who wants to LEARN MORE about building a successful business through the POWER of self-publishing on Amazon with their self-publishing platform, Kindle Direct Publishing, or KDP.
It's also for anyone who wants to EARN MORE by learning about some incredible marketing and promotional strategies.
My name is Chris Green and I literally WROTE THE BOOK about using Amazon and KDP to become an Authorpreneur. I’ve also used practically EVERY Amazon platform from selling physical products through retail and online arbitrage to print on demand merchandise with Merch By Amazon, and of course, self-publishing with KDP.
I’ve tried them all and I can tell you with CONFIDENCE that KDP is the MOST POWERFUL platform of them all. BY FAR (it's not even close).
Need proof? Amazon sent me this check for OVER $70,000 for just one month of royalties from my book sales.

And Amazon did ALL OF THE WORK. I didn’t take a single order or ship a single package. Amazon did EVERYTHING.
This is easily the biggest and most powerful opportunity and it’s available to anyone, anywhere in the world.
And in The Authorpreneur Challenge, I’ll PROVE it to you.
Ready to join? Great! You’re going to LOVE it. Just click the button below and you’ll be on your way.
You may be asking, "Chris, what even is an Authorpreneur?"
It's a fair question and the simplest definition would be an entrepreneur who uses the power of books and self-publishing to provide VALUE to their customers, build a business, and MAKE MONEY.
Maybe this is a better way to say it:
Authors write books (making money not required).
Authorpreneurs use books to build businesses and MAKE MONEY.
Becoming an Authorpreneur is done by compiling USEFUL and VALUABLE content (such as an online course) with the power of Amazon's self-publishing platform, Kindle Direct Publishing, or KDP.

KDP allows ENTREPRENEURS (just like YOU) to use the POWER OF SELF-PUBLISHING to become published authors that use print-on-demand books, sold on Amazon, to serve their customers, build their businesses, and, you guessed it, also MAKE MONEY.
You just need to learn how to provide MASSIVE VALUE through the printed pages of a book! This can be done by offering ACCESS to private and exclusive online course content or members-only communities.
And I'll show you EXACTLY how to do this in The Authorpreneur Challenge!
If you’re a pureblood entrepreneur or just someone who wants to make some extra money on the internet, you might be thinking that KDP isn’t for you because you’re an entrepreneur, not an author, right?
It’s a BIG MISTAKE to think this way because KDP isn’t about ‘writing books’ in the traditional sense. It’s about USING KDP in new and creative ways that complement practically every online business model.
And that is EXACTLY what I will show you how to do in The Authorpreneur Challenge.
I’ve been using KDP since 2011 when I published my first book, Retail Arbitrage. Since then, the KDP program has only gotten bigger and better and may just be the BEST KEPT SECRET in entrepreneurship.
Check this out: when you use KDP, you’re able to create Prime-eligible product pages on Amazon and when those products sell, Amazon will do ALL OF THE WORK (taking orders, printing, shipping, and customer service) and then send you a royalty check at the end of the month.
How is this possible? Because KDP is a PRINT ON DEMAND platform which means that your products (in this case, books through KDP) are printed only once the customer places their order. Amazon literally does everything from taking the order on their site, to printing the books, all the way through any customer service issues like, “Where’s my stuff?”
Would you believe that it gets even better? It does.
All of this is 100% ABSOLUTELY FREE! There is no charge to use Amazon’s KDP program. It honestly sounds ‘too good to be true’ every time that I try to describe it to someone.
This really is a game changer and way too many people are sleeping on this opportunity. It can take some time to truly wrap your head around this truly incredible business model.
YES, I’m telling you that for ZERO DOLLARS, you can have your very own active Amazon product page where customers can place orders, with Amazon Prime benefits, and Amazon will literally DO ALL OF THE WORK and then send YOU a royalty payment to your bank account every month.
It’s crazy. It’s insane. I can’t stop thinking about it and all of the powerful things that today’s entrepreneurs can do when they harness the power of KDP.
Now I’ve been teaching this stuff for so long that I already know all of the reasons (excuses?) that people use to say that KDP and Authorpreneurship won’t work for them.
They say that they aren’t an author. Well, I’m not an author in the traditional sense either and I’m making it work pretty well.
Look, you don’t have to be Stephen King or write the next Harry Potter to become an author through KDP. You just have to have some kind of VALUABLE content or information that can be sold through the printed pages of a book.
In The Authorpreneur Challenge, I’ll teach you how to package VALUE through the printed pages of a book. This isn’t about stories and characters and plot twists; this is about all of the things that can be offered to or redeemed by your customers when they purchase your book.
This includes things like notebooks, journals, sketchbooks, coloring books, crossword puzzles, word searches, and even Sudoku.
And your book can be as short as 24 pages (that’s just TWELVE pieces of paper!).
So MISS ME with EXCUSES (because I’ve heard them ALL).
Here are the FIVE most common excuses that come up when I teach people about KDP and becoming an Authorpreneur:
1. They think that they aren’t ‘smart enough’ or they have nothing to offer
I 100% disagree. I believe that EVERYONE has AT LEAST a 6-figure business inside of them by using KDP to share content and information through the printed pages of a book.
2. They think it will be ‘too hard’
I get it; if it’s your first time doing something that you’ve never done before, it can seem ‘too hard’. That’s why I’m running The Authorpreneur Challenge. By the end of the challenge, you’ll be confident and excited to get started with your own KDP business as an Authorpreneur.
3. They think that it will be ‘too expensive’
It’s LITERALLY FREE. You honestly cannot lose money using KDP. Don’t believe me, go check Amazon’s KDP website and show me where
4. They think that someone else could do it better
Probably. But so what? Who cares? There is probably someone out there that knows more about Amazon and KDP that I do, but that doesn't take away from the help and value that I give to my customers.
5. They think that someone else must have already done it
Yeah, maybe. But so what? Who cares? YOU have something VALUABLE to offer to the world and it’s YOUR RESPONSIBILITY to bring that value to people and HELP THEM. So what if someone has ‘already done it’. Do it better. Do it differently. Look for ways that you can give MORE VALUE to potential customers or find ways to give more value through a lower price.
Did I call out your excuse by name? I’ve been doing this for so long and I’ve worked with enough people that I KNOW ALL OF THE EXCUSES. And that’s all that they are; EXCUSES.
You can’t put excuses in your bank account, and you aren’t going to get any books published by looking for reasons why something WON’T WORK.
Instead, look at all of the reasons why something (like KDP) WILL WORK!
But it gets EVEN BETTER than that. In The Authorpreneur Challenge, I’m also going to show you how you can pack SO MUCH VALUE into the printed pages of a book that you can charge $100, $200, or MORE for every copy of your book.
How is that possible? Who would pay that much for a book?
This is how: I 100% believe that everyone is good enough at something that other people would be interested in. Maybe it’s your profession, an interest, or a hobby. You very likely know A LOT about SOMETHING that other people also want to learn about. So, make a Top Ten book. Like a Top Ten Things that you should know before running your first marathon or Top Ten Ways to lower your grocery bill or Top Ten ways that car dealers get you to spend more money.
If you’re a runner, a coupon clipper, or a car salesman, you already know that you could write those books in a single weekend. And YES, there are people out there that want to know what you know and will PAY YOU FOR IT!
You’ve probably seen sites like Teachable and Udemy that offer online courses. Well, what if you gave your customers access to the same education content (written and video) through unlisted or password-protected videos? This is how you convert a digital product (an online course) into an on-demand physical product on Amazon. I call it a ‘course as a book’.
This is EXACTLY what I first did in 2014 when I wrote my first ‘course as a book’, Online Arbitrage. In The Authorpreneur Challenge, I go into all of the details of how I wrote, teased, promoted, and launched a book on Amazon that sold for $300 (at the time) and earned me a one-month royalty check from Amazon for over $70,000!

And here’s a HUGE SECRET that nobody will tell you: When you write a book about ways to MAKE or SAVE MONEY, people will literally LINE UP to buy your book from you. Why? Because everyone wants to make or save money, especially when they will make or save MORE than the cost of the book. Your books can be so valuable that people will be crazy to NOT buy them!
And, in The Authorpreneur Challenge, you’ll learn about some amazing ways to market your book using this underutilized strategy.
All of this is so easy to do that so many people are missing out because they simply aren’t connecting these dots. Let me explain: As an Authorpreneur, you can use the power of books through Amazon’s KDP program to GIVE ACCESS to things like exclusive content, private information, password-protected videos, in-depth training, or members-only online communities like Facebook Groups.
And let me tell you, the marketing opportunities OPEN UP when you now have ‘published author’ status and can run giveaways and promotions for a PHYSICAL PRODUCT are incredible. Maybe it’s me, but I just don’t get excited about people ‘giving away’ access to digital-only content. It’s so much better (and more powerful) to be able to give away copies of a REAL BOOK with YOUR NAME on it.
During the challenge, we will talk about ways to use your book for marketing purposes by including links to contact you, your website, social media profiles, and ‘calls to action' (CTAs) that prompt your customers to join your online communities or email lists.
And as the author, you have exclusive access to ‘author copies’ of your books. You can buy copies of your books AT COST that you can sell for whatever price you choose or give away as gifts or prizes.
The Author Copy SECRET:
How to have Amazon ship your book, AT COST (for as little as $6) to ANY ADDRESS in EIGHT different countries. That’s right, I’ll show you how to have Amazon ship your book for you, all over the world, while you lay on your couch with your laptop.
This means that you can even sell your book on your own website and have Amazon print and ship the books to any address in eight different countries. Your customers get their books FAST and. You don’t have to ever ship a single order. It’s SO GOOD!
Anyone can do this and to prove it to you, I’m going to give you everything that you need (EVERYTHING) to become a fully-published author by the end of The Authorpreneur Challenge. Even if you’ve never published anything before, you’ll be able to tell friends and family that you are now a full-fledged published author on Amazon.
The Authorpreneur Challenge is NOT just for newbies or people getting started. While we do start with the basics in The Authorpreneur Challenge, we cover everything that you need to know to not only get your first book published, but also how to market your book and GET SALES.
After all, what good is all of this if you’re not selling books and earning royalties
I’ve put together the most amazing package of content, training videos, Q&A sessions, and ACCESS TO ME during the 5-Day Authorpreneur Challenge. I’ve been doing this long enough to know that by the end of the challenge, you’ll be psyched out of your mind with all of the ridiculously powerful options that you’ll have as a KDP author, but you’ll also be excited for your confidence in yourself to make this business successful!
And did you know that The Authorpreneur Challenge easily has the best money-back guarantee in the business? When you take The Authorpreneur Challenge, if you’re not completely amazed and satisfied, just say the word and get a 100% refund, no questions asked.
I've helped HUNDREDS of people become PUBLISHED AUTHORS through Amazon's KDP program. I've been publishing books for over a decade and I've compiled all of the BEST training into a FIVE DAY challenge.
I've run many challenges before and they are, by far, THE BEST WAY to learn something new by spending TIME with an expert who will coach you, train you, and answer all of your questions.
Like the questions that are keeping you from moving forward. The questions that are keeping you from taking action. The questions that you're using AS AN EXCUSE and preventing you from finally using books to build a business and become a successful Authorpreneur.
How to make $70,000+ in royalties in one month with just one book and without shipping a single order:
I launched my first 'Course As A Book' and became an Authorpreneur in 2014 when I published Online Arbitrage. Amazon sent me this royalty check for over $70,000 for the first month's sales!

Remember, this is a ROYALTY CHECK, meaning that there are no inventory costs or other expenses to be paid. I deposited this check into my bank account, as-is.
How did this happen? I spent the time and put in the work to create, collect, and curate useful and valuable information and content (an online course) that could only be accessed through the printed pages of my book.
Customers who wanted access to my course just had to BUY THE BOOK from Amazon! They would then receive ACCESS to my exclusive online course content through the printed pages of my book.
Amazon literally did ALL THE WORK (books were printed and shipped on-demand), and then SENT ME A CHECK at the end of the month.
It's INSANE that more people aren't as obsessed with this business model as I am!
Online Arbitrage launched at $299. It sold 481 copies in its first month and I earned a royalty of ~$146/book while reaching a sales rank of #885 on Amazon.
Think about that. Fewer than 500 SALES of a book can get you into the TOP 1,000 books on Amazon and earn you a royalty check for OVER $70,000.
How is this possible? How can you sell a book for $299?
Simple! Just find a way to provide massive value to people by creating a book that provides access to your valuable content and offer it for sale on Amazon through KDP. Then you market and launch your book using the methods described and outlined in The Authorpreneur Blueprint and CONNECT with people using something called THE INTERNET.
You've probably seen online courses that sell for $299 AND UP! Are you putting two and two together yet? Instead of simply creating and selling an online course, you're giving customers ACCESS to your online course content through the printed pages of a book, sold on Amazon, and printed on-demand.
So why wouldn't you just upload your course to a site like Udemy and charge $299 for access? Well, the reasons why becoming an Authorpreneur are SO MUCH BETTER than this method are exactly why I wrote The Authorpreneur Blueprint!
When you are able to use KDP to SELL ACCESS to your online course directly on Amazon, you now have some MASSIVE BENEFITS such as:
-One-Click Checkout (removes friction from the checkout process)
-Prime Eligibility (customers know they will get their book fast)
-Trusted Amazon Reviews (gives the customer confidence in their purchase)
-Easy Return Policy (removes customer hesitation to buy)
-Promotional Tools (built right into Amazon)
You don't get ANY of these benefits if you're not selling access to your course content as a print-on-demand book on Amazon through KDP.
Look, I don't help people become authors just for the sake of becoming an author. If you just want 'published author' status, then upload a couple of files to KDP and you can be a published author tomorrow. But if you're reading this, then I'm pretty confident that ACTUALLY MAKING MONEY is somewhere near the top of your list of reasons WHY you want to publish a book.

I also don't help authors 'make money'. The marketing methods and launch strategies that I teach won't work for just any book. Not every book includes massive EDUCATIONAL value to the reader that can warrant a premium price point.
I can't turn a novel or fiction book into a bestseller and I can't see a time where I would even want to do this. Being able to sell 70,000 books in a single month that earn ~$1 royalty each is a much harder game to play than to create something with premium value that only needs 500 sales to make that same $70,000.
So what do I actually do? I help ENTREPRENEURS provide value to their customers by identifying and converting their valuable knowledge into online courses that are sold on Amazon as print-on-demand books through KDP. Buying the book from Amazon gives them ACCESS to the online course content.
It's really just that simple.
Sure, anyone can use KDP to become a published author, but The Authorpreneur Challenge will show you how to become an author that actually makes money!
You see, simply being a published author and 'existing' on Amazon IS NOT ENOUGH! There are THOUSANDS of authors out there that have never sold a single book or made a single dollar.
For some authors, that's OK; but for Authorpreneurs, the goal is to use books and self-publishing to BUILD A BUSINESS that makes money.
That's where The Authorpreneur Challenge comes in.
Most authors write books that tell stories (ENTERTAINMENT) that sell for ~$10 and earn a royalty per book of about ~$1.
But Authorpreneurs write books that teach something of value (EDUCATION) that can sell for hundreds of dollars (depending on the type of information) and can earn significant royalties for every book sold.
You don't have to be an entrepreneur to be a writer. And you don't have to be a writer to be an Authorpreneur.
If you don't think that this method works or if you think that you don't have anything of value that can be turned into an online course and offered for sale online as a print-on-demand book, I'm going to READ YOUR MIND RIGHT NOW.
You're thinking one (or more) of these things:
-You don't consider yourself to be enough of an expert
-You think that writing a book will be 'too hard'
-You think that writing a book will be 'too expensive'
-You think that someone else knows more than you do
-You think that someone else must have already done it
Am I right? Yup, I'm right. How do I know?
Look, I've been using KDP for over a decade and I've personally coached hundreds of people and helped thousands of people through my courses and content. I KNOW the reasons why people don't think that this business model works or believe that it will work for them.
And I get it. I understand, I really do. I've been there.
There was a time that I didn't think that I had anything of value to offer through a course or a book and I assumed that the publishing process would be difficult, expensive, and complicated.
It's completely FREE and it's just as EASY as I make it out to be and I'll PROVE IT TO YOU in just five days when you join The Authorpreneur Challenge!
Five days to see if what I'm saying it true and if it will work for you. Five days to learn the ins and outs of this amazing business model. Five days to put yourself on the track to becoming an Authorpreneur and building a business by helping people learn something that you are passionate about while also making sales and earning royalties at the same time.
Doesn't this seem like something worth a closer look?
When you join The Authorpreneur Challenge, you'll get access to the FIVE DAYS of LIVE training with me where we will cover all of the FUNDAMENTAL SECRETS to becoming a successful Authorpreneur (all calls will be recorded and available as replays). At the end of each call, I will offer an open Q&A session to answer any and all questions!
KDP allows literally ANYONE to upload content files that will then be offered as Prime-eligible, print-on-demand books, listed for sale on Amazon. When customers place orders, Amazon prints the books, ships the books, and then sends out royalty checks at the end of every month.
Amazon literally does ALL THE WORK and they then send you a royalty check.
But wait, there's more!
During the five day challenge, you'll learn:
-Learn why Authorpreneurship is the HOTTEST business model
-Learn why becoming an Authorpreneur is so INSANELY powerful
-Learn the POWER of Amazon Prime
-Learn the THREE MAJOR DIFFERENCES between AUTHORS and AUTHORPRENEURS (they aren't what you think!)
-Learn The 5 - 90 - 5 Rule that most authors don't understand so that you can focus on what ACTUALLY MATTERS when it comes to creating, launching, and promoting a successful book
-Learn how to provide MASSIVE VALUE through the printed pages of a book by offering ACCESS to private and exclusive online course content
-Learn the MARKETING SECRET that will instantly gets the attention of your potential customers
-Learn the BIGGEST MISTAKE that authors make when choosing what to write about
-Learn how to identify (and validate) your potential course topics
-Learn how to create your own book/course outline
-Learn multiple proven marketing methods
-Learn creative launch strategies
-Learn the simple trick to overcome Imposter Syndrome
The entire Authorpreneur process is really not difficult and it's explained in fine detail in The Authorpreneur Challenge.
The process simply involves identifying something that you are GOOD AT that also provides VALUE to other people (teaches them something that they want to learn or solves a problem that they have). Then, put in the work to turn it into an online course that is also formatted as a print-on-demand book.
Then, spend your time marketing your book and getting people to KNOW, LIKE, and TRUST you as a knowledgable expert in your chosen niche. Then, LAUNCH your book to an audience that is eager to support you and to learn more about what you have to offer.
All of this (and much, much more) is outlined in fine detail in The Authorpreneur Challenge!
Simple enough, right?
You have everything to gain and literally nothing to lose! There is truly NO RISK!
I've done pretty much every business model on Amazon, and this is, BY FAR, the most POWERFUL and also my personal FAVORITE!
What all do you get with The Authorpreneur Challenge?
FIVE DAYS of LIVE Authorpreneur training with bonus Q&A sessions with 'The Authorpreneur' himself, Chris Green! Feeling stuck? Got questions? Get answers and move forward!
Your satisfaction is guaranteed! Get all of this for just $197 and if you're not satisfied with the challenge, get a 100% refund, no questions asked.
Don't you think it's time to see what all the excitement is about and join The Authorpreneur Challenge?
Don't delay; once The Authorpreneur Challenge starts on November 14, you can no longer join and get this amazing offer.
You have nothing to lose and everything to gain.
It's time to become the next Authorpreneur.